1.5匹變頻淨冷分體機 HS012KB*
R32 雪種
TURBO 模式, 急速改變空間溫度
機內防霉, 防止霉菌滋生
Detail | |||
Model no 產品型號 | 室內機 Indoor | HS012KB | |
室外機 Outdoor | HS012KBA | ||
Electrical Data | 電源 | 220 / 1 / 50 | V-Ph-Hz |
Capcity | 制冷效率 | 12000 | Btu/h |
Input | 輸入功率 | 1.10 | KW |
Current | 運行電流 | 7.3 | A |
EER | 能源效益 | 3.20 | W/W |
Annual Energy Consumption | 每年耗電量 | 414 | kWh |
Energy label | 能源標籤 | 2 | (級)Grade |
Refrigerant type | 雪種 | R32 | |
Indoor | 室內機 | ||
Indoor air flow | 送風量 | 610 | m³/h |
Indoor noise level (Turbo/Hi/Mi/Lo) | 運轉音量 | 42.5 / 41.5 / 34 / 28 | dB (A) |
Dimension (W x D x H) | 尺寸(闊 x 深 x 高) | 805 x 194 x 285 | mm |
Net / Gross weight | 淨重量 | 7.80 | kg |
Outdoor | 室外機 | ||
Dimension (W x D x H) | 尺寸(闊 x 深 x 高) | 720 x 270 x 495 | mm |
Net / Gross weight | 淨重量 | 21.2 | kg |
Liquid side / Gas side | 液流管道/ 氣流管道 | Ø6.35 / Ø9.52 | mm |
Max.refrigerant pipe lenth | 雪種喉管長度 | 25 | m |
Max.difference inlevel | 最大高低差 | 10 | m |
*規格如有更改,恕不另行通知 Specifications are subject to change without notice.
"*運轉音量:為無反響房間轉換數值,以機身前1米與離地面1.5米之高度量度,在一般實際運行情況下, 室外機運轉音量值可能受環境影響
Sound level: Anechoic chamber conversion value, measured at a point 1 m in front of the unit at a height of 1.5 m. During actual operation, these values are normally somewhat higher as a result of ambient conditions and oil recovery mode."